
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

J Lit Bed On Fire

1975 about


 Well Jeremy was little, so this was before his brother was born.  His dad smoked and used a Zippo type lighter, that you fill with fuel.  I never liked those, I was a bic they had child protective things on them so children couldn't light them.

A neighbor was over visiting we were in the living room talking.  Jeremy had gotten a hold of one of his dad's lighters and I didn't know it.  His dad had several.  Well he had gone back in his bedroom between the bed and the wall as he knew he was not to touch these things.  He lit that thing under the bed as to no one would see him...and lit the bed on fire.  Thank the Lord, that child had sense enough, and yelled for me and the neighbor and I got pitchers of water to put it out.  Well the under side of that box spring had a nylon dust cover on it so it actually didn't cause the bed to be on fire.  It melted all this nylon burning..dripping on the carpet burning the carpet, so several areas of black melted carpet even.

I was so upset about it, as to me this was his dad's fault for leaving his things out.  I called him at work and told him he would be the one to have to deal with it.  Well just doing that made Jeremy worry all day  haha like what was going to happen.  I did make him stay in his room then...till he saw his dad.

I don't even remember what his dad did...what I do remember is the impact it had on that child.  That house became a rental for about 2 years..or so we lived in 2 different other new homes moving from one end of town to the other.  Went to Glendale, then sold and went to Mesa then back to Sesame St. our first home.  Well we never did replace that carpet for it being a rental as a bed would cover the spot and we were not about to put new carpet into a house that could get torn up.

When we went to move back to that place is when we heard about it from Jeremy.  He did not want to be in that bedroom with melted carpet.  So you just know it made an impact on him.  We did put all new carpet in that house and I personally refused to move back to it unless a dishwasher was put in it as it had none.  So those were my requirements.  I did get a dishwasher then.  After being spoiled with 2 other houses, I did not feel that was asking much to downsize.

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