Jacobs Family Baptism 8/15/1988 in the pool of Jacobs house
Cynthia Ehrman-Jacobs parents Robert and Evelyn Ehrman
1988 was a big year of expecting the Lord to come. Talked about on TBN and many areas. I can't remember well checking thought it was Dumitru Duduman but see that one was later, and it was the 88 reasons why the rapture would be in 1988.
At that time, I was working but didn't want to work if that makes sense, so became a kelly girl, I specifically told them no job, just put me in fill in for wk or 2, so could control if want to work or not. The bad part is I was constantly called with all my background in all office type areas. So would say no more than take a job. Every dang job would go to they want to hire me and say no. If I wanted a job would get one. Well I was at a place like that on this job said I am leavin my parents are coming them give me time off. Wanted to hire me doing accounts receivable and payable? Anyway wouldn't then take that job either.
Daddy did send us also when Dumitru Duduman was around send us video of that too. Daddy worried about his daughter not yet babtised as adult...and no went to church. Well he did always call me his darlin daughter. So he and mom came out to Arizona with mission impossible..as am sure felt when Bob answered the door and first out of Bob's mouth to them was "You came to destroy this family didn't you?" not sure if word was destroy or divide. I couldn't believe that greeting...weird you remember. My Daddy didn't come to often, we saw mom more with her driving her mother to AZ for winter and coming to drive them back. Daddy came only 3 times I can think, once for a Thanksgiving, baptize us and last was when he had his surgery stayed the longest then for recovery as had that in Arizona. I don't even think they came to see us when don't know if both or just mom went to help Cheryl with having Trent in AZ then, and I at that time did not have a good vehicle to be traveling.
Daddy was good about sharing the word with repentance related to baptism and am sure I was aware of the 88 reasons but not maybe Bob at the time I did not always share the things I would watch. When a man does not like your worship music and you have to turn it off you don't always talk about things. He controlled TV when home. We did have a family room I could go to..but usually if children wanted to see things lots of times would be in there with them.
Daddy asked me then if I wanted to be baptized don't remember all he talked about. I said yes and think J say yes he want to also can't remember if Josh waited a while as Bob didn't respond with approval at that time. It was summer we always had swimming things on a lot of times. So we all did go out I was first then J , then Josh and Bob agreed and then Bob. Daddy and mom there doing it...in pool with us.
After all done and inside at the dining table Daddy said something about blessing my son's and think he blessed both of them. I can't remember if J was the first that his Grandpa gave a bible to. Could have been.. then I asked for the bible Daddy carried. I don't know if daddy wrote in J's bible or not...I didn't ask him to write in the one I have. He really didn't want to give it up said it was the last he had and carried it all the time. He wrote in it..gave me instruction to read the gospels and start in the book of John. Those were his orders. Well of course I did know he wrote to me in the front...but it I think was later but he did bring up these scriptures in teaching about baptism.. I didn't know he stared and wrote my name till I got there reading though.
Now Daddy had given bibles even gave Bob as he did complain about understanding anything, daddy gave him, his amplified New Testament I can't remember when...but not that full book no get.
I did read what Daddy wrote and kinda laughed as to me he forgot mom...so wrote above that?? Our as he called me his darlin daughter all the time, and I was a gift if you think about it on his birthday. hahaha
Jeremy ask his grandpa am sure excited, told his friend spanky about it, asked his grandpa said he wanted baptized would he do him for him. Daddy said he would, so there was an extra baptized a friend of J's. I am sure told Jim and John told everyone he probably did...as his ears were opened. Now J had gone to the Lord at about 8 yrs old he did while we visited at my mom and dad's and went to their church. I will write about that separate, as after that he did wake that night seeing someone scarred him it did.
Will put the snaps took of my bible from Daddy and what he wrote and what I found when I got to that scripture in John. I am not a bookmark person, just remember where was and the book mark was there I just followed orders he never told me to read anything else never never even ask me if I did.
My ears were opened at that baptism, noticed right away, me a questioner anyway I asked each person if they had that happen, it was only J and me that had ears opened both hearing the same. Bob and Josh both said no difference at all.
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