
Friday, November 12, 2021

A vision? Near death experience?

 A vision? Near death experience?

I had brought this up as did post about my drivers training from my Daddy.  This of course before married, Bob had taken me to the river where they would go tubing down the river.  Take their drinks beer, float in a group down the took me to do this.  

He then did bring up something that had happened to him and I didn't know what it really meant as he did not tell me.  He had tipped over at some rapids area and could swim.. but was pulled under water and could not get up.  He said he saw his life flash before his eyes.. then like stopped the struggle I guess seeing it and it made him like go under things and pop up from the current.  I actually had the feeling whatever he saw shocked him maybe?? enough to make him stop fighting to come up top the water.  Anyway I did not know what it meant for someone that young really to have his life flash before his eyes.

  Now did after mentioning this got the impression my question was answered by Matthew.. felt he said past as I had asked could it have been future?  I just then said, well if past it sure didn't stop the drinking.  I was not sure reading him properly but thought if the boys maybe see this to mention saw and ask him about it.  See if he will say to you what he saw flash as in life before his eyes meant.  Something different than computer things...and something I never did know.

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