
Thursday, August 19, 2021

Jacobs Family Personal Items of Aunt Sis's

1999 - Aunt Sis moved to full care

 As I said these stories will be all over the place in year...trying to put year so son's can if want sort to get that in order should they desire too. Just post as led and remember. Well Betty was living with us by this time I believe, as we were planning move to KY. Mary was living in Portland with sister Susan as had moved their after divorce. I had all the dealings all the years with Aunt Sis and who she had in charge of taking care of everything for her. Bill Fessler, as I remember he was and how met is the Bank she always used. That is my memory of him and I am probably the only person to have to this day Bill's personal information. Well it was Bill that even got her into this retirement home, and as I recall just in the nick of time...Sis had an apartment living on her own there, of which Bill had explained to me that you purchase, and own...there were things tied to that...what offered then was full care when you could no longer care for yourself. The apartment then would go back to them to re-sell. 

 Now why this was done...Aunt Sis had breast cancer, and did have radiation treatments, I am assuming cancer, even though the term was not used...but she had to have radiation. She also had dementia. Aunt Sis before even Bill made that move would call me in KY when we were just there 1995 on when just Bob and I were temp in KY him a consultant, Aunt Sis would call me as always and tell me about needing to find place.  Well I let too Betty know this even though they would not talk..Betty wanted me try to talk her in to coming to AZ for this, well did mention to Sis..not the way she ended up doing. So 2 reasons for this move for Bill. He always called and kept me informed. I would relay info to Bob and his mother. She could either inform others of family or not, was not up to me. Why me? Well Betty and Sis didn't talk, Betty had also gotten pissed with her, used to talk to her, but really pissed as Aunt Sis was always changing her will.. Betty hated that, didn't feel it should be done. Reason Aunt Sis would do these things is because no one in that family would talk to her but me. Once in a great while Mary, but she would even hang up on her...the thing Mary always did for years..was send her a card for every occasion. Susan, was her favored, as her mother favored Bob, so Aunt Sis stepped in for Susan. Then Susan wouldn't even speak to her. So I basically was the only person that Aunt Sis could call and talk to of that family. 

I would always let her speak to my sons, and every once in a while as she set a timer for calls, and I could hear that and know...I would force Bob to say hi when her time about done. Betty went with me to Chicago, as it again me sent to do this, and get her things...Betty wanted to go with me...Bill very upset about it as how Sis felt about Betty and their falling out. She went anyway. Well to Bill's surprise, Betty was whom she recognized and you would have thought nothing happened between then. 

I made Bob one time write her even a letter, he told me what would I even say, I said talk about the boys and you coaching etc.  He did do that..and on one travel trip talked to Bill. 

It was Betty and I though that went through all of her things in that apartment, as she had been moved to full care.  She had saved that letter from Bob all thoughs years and I had found it.  We loaded all in back of Bob's truck as that is what I drove to do this. It was then Betty who decided who got what of the Jacobs things, as nothing was recovered from Bob's dad's death for family. She chose on all items, and then proceeded to have sent to each child. 

At this time in Betty's life, she had 2 blood great-grand-children both girls.. one from Josh, and I believe also at the time 1 from Ian, Mary's son. Only ones she had. Of course am sure when Sis's dad passed things divided to go the Bob's dad and to keep Aunt Sis. Well Carolyn had all from Bob's dad. This was how personal belongings of Aunt Sis were then divided to the Jacobs children of Betty's. 

 Mary with all her moving, as even when she came to KY with all these things, she moved from town to town in KY..breaking most all given from Aunt Sis. I did feel bad for her and gave her a couple things given me. Well then even way before that...Mary living in same subdivision married Jeff... She want Aunt Sis to come out.. then kick her out of her house that of course when I was playing tennis still so around 1989 or 90...well where the heck can you go with set flight plans.. Betty didn't want her either, it was Mary's doing... Bob no want her it was Mary's doing let her deal with it.. Will tell you that great story too,,, stay tuned.

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