
Sunday, March 28, 2021

Joshua married a godless demon Carla


Well Carla is probably tied to her soul mate...she married another godless demon.  Was she given a chance?  You bet, we took her in.  She was even given second chance with second marriage to a Jew, wonderful guy Josh really liked him.   I think Josh knew this as he wanted to include in their marriage baptism being done to both them...and marriage.  Strange request.  I said NO you were baptized by my Daddy.  So I refused it.  

Well there is nothing in this world but demons that follow man not God-Yeshua they don't even know the difference between out of the mouth of God and man, so everyone is married to demons.

Well even with their wedding, of which we paid for, just bitching from Carla, who's parents well if you can call them that...a step-dad in and out of jail and a half sibling I think in jail now.  She got sound instruction and saw living difference...and graduated barely, as PG.  She hated her real Dad, so have no clue what she was told about him...called him her biological father.

Bob felt blame they even married, he should have never taken her in was how he felt.

Even then, I was on the internet with military men.  One came to Josh's reception...username Bad2Dbone I can't remember his real name but did know it.  A Vietnam vet...had foreign wife...Worked also for Charles Schwab.  Bob was used to me laughing at IRC in the 40+ channel.  He would say back then...what are you laughing at...I would say these people on IRC.

Con came out to help with the wedding, as I had gone to Matthew's her sons.  Now this to me an interesting thing happening.  I had no daughters, didn't study them  lol  weddings were done by daughter family not son why the heck would i study that.  I didn't know her parents wouldn't pay for it till last minute.  Monica Tarr took her and her husband took all wedding photo's for them plus made their wedding cake.  Shawn one of Josh's best friends.  Well they had used to do wedding etc... but anyway not one pic of my sister at that wedding or that to me is weird.  She might have gotten pic at kitchen sink can't remember.  Well it upset Con as she was Josh's godmother.  So good reason to me...I just told her didn't know what I was doing why didn't you say something.

So I do have all these wedding pictures here, they need to go to Samantha and will give them to her.

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