
Saturday, June 4, 2022

Vacation Slain In Spirit J

1980 I do believe it was, J 8 yrs old, we took a family vacation to visit my family. I think we flew, lots of plain crashes back then and rates high for all of us think we did fly that time, I think the time Daddy and mom drove to Chicago to pick us up as the expense to fly. Dad and mom I think at the church where Daddy did get his lisc at where Dwight and Marlene was love them they did. I don't even remember being introduced to them.. nor meet them, we just as usually when visit them go to church. I can't remember if it was a Wednesday night service maybe it was. Well there was an alter call after anyone want to come forward and give their heart to the Lord. Josh and J sitting by each other...Josh jabbing and J jabbing back at each other with elbows like egging on. Jeremy did go forward got out of our pew and started walking daddy on the end might have just told him just walk down front. J got out in the isle took not to many steps and knocked over on the floor on the runway. The whole congregation wanting to help the child went to get up to go to him Dwight yelled at them stay in your seats and leave that boy alone.. said and went to J didn't touch him made sure no person did. J was out quite a while but all waited quiet after Dwight said don't anyone touch that boy. When he was ?? awake seemed to be a long time to me? the service over we went home. I don't remember comments made.

Well we got home to the lake mom the hall monitor...the boys sleeping in the living room on a hide-a-bed at opposite end from mom and dad and us that same end across from them. All the sudden hear J yellin for me and mom and I get up, said he saw someone standing foot of bed it scared him. I don't remember the time that happened. They did go back to sleep after who knows what said to them. I don't remember just don't.